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7. Oton manifestations near the terrestrial surface

7.1. Conditions of the terrestrial oton manifestation.
7.2. The Tungus phenomenon.
7.3. Tornadoes as antigravitational swirls.
7.4. Gravi-impulsive destructions of buildings.
7.5. Geophysical explosion in Sasovo.
7.6. Gravitational catastrophes of planes.
7.7. Gravitational accidents in the World ocean.
7.8. Technosphere of the Earth as a black hole indicator.
7.9. Spontaneous people self-ignitions energetics and a sudden death.


7.1. Condition of the terrestrial oton manifestation (to the top). How long does it take a black hole to manifest itself in an arbitrary place on the Earth? We shall regard the region to be a sphere of the black hole manifestation, in which the gravitational force of the black hole is equal to that of the Earth or exceeds it (WBH ³ g). Further, we shall regard the total mass of N black holes (for simplicity let us assume their masses to be equal) to be a kth part of the mass of the Earth, and that VBH = V1sp. Having accepted these conditions and equated the volume of the Earth to that covered by the moving black hole during the time tBH, we find the time, during which the black hole will manifest itself in any arbitrary point of the Earth:


ааааааааааааааааааааааааааа tBH = (2/3) × k-1N × R Å × VBH-1ааааааааааааааа аааааааааааааааааа (7.1.1.)


If one takes account of influences from all N black holes and takes the upper limit on the total mass of otons, the expression (7.1.1) accepts the form:


ааааааааааааааааааааааааааа tBH = (2/3) × R Å × VBH-1аааааааааааа аааааааааааааааааа (7.1.2.)


It is easy to see from (7.1.2.), that each ten minutes the arbitrary region appears in the sphere of black hole influence. At first sight, it likely speaks about the insignificant number of black holes in the Earth, since the so often influence of black holes, apparently, contradicts our empirical experience. But nevertheless even so often black hole influences are quite possible, because they are rather short-term (for a black hole with the mass MBH = 1015 g the time is about one ten thousands of a second) and negligible in consequences.

Only few black holes, degenerated orbits of which touch the terrestrial surface in apocentre, have sufficiently low velocities for being able to make significant influences upon the nearest to their trajectory objects. Only one thousandth of these manifestations has a chance of their being observable. Nevertheless, there are numerous phenomena, which tell about possible black hole manifestations, since extremely unusual otonic manifestations have sometimes a grandiose character. One of such phenomena is the Tungus "meteorite".


7.2. The Tungus phenomenon (to the top). The first (and for a long time single) attempt to explain terrestrial phenomena by the model of black holes has been undertaken in 1973 by the American scientists Jackson and Ryan [Ja00], who have put a question: whether the Tungus accident was caused by a black hole? Within the idea of extraplanetary origin of single "naked" black holes the authors have considered an episodic black hole manifestation, by means of which they tried to explain the Tungus phenomenon.

The black hole not leaving neither a crater, nor remnants of meteorite substance, this explains the basic feature of the Tungus phenomenon: the absence of asteroid remnants. The extraterrestrial origin of a black hole, high velocity, small energy losses in its passing through the Earth Ч all this leads to that, that the trajectory of a black hole should be very close to the direct line. This implies a prediction of black hole exiting in the antipodal region of the Earth and its similar manifestations in this region. A region with coordinates 40░-50░ N, 30░-40░ W is in nothern Atlantic. The point of black hole exiting enables to verify the hypothesis as a whole. In this point the other air shock wave, the undersea shock wave and the disturbance of sea surface must be observed.

But the similar phenomenon compared by the power with the Tungus event was not detected. Such explanation ofа the Tungus accident has caused a doubt [Be00]. Intraterrestrial black holes do not require similar antipodal manifestations and quite can be used for explaining not only the Tungus phenomenon, but also many others, in particular, tornadoes.


7.3. Tornadoes as antigravitational swirls (to the top). To geophysical effects produced by otons it is possible to refer the phenomena of the kind of a whirlwind (or a tornado), which physical nature till now remains the riddle [Êà10], [Êî00], [Õå00].

The destructive force of a tornado was improbable great for objects having low sailness. Here are only few examples of tornado action. Notwithstanding terrestrial attraction and absence of any significant sailness of stones with the mass more than 100 kg were carried away at hundred meters. A tornado raised and threw various houses and even the large iron bridge. The Catholic church was raised from the ground and transferred at 4 meters. The transporting and elevating force of tornadoes evidently resists to gravitational one: rises and transferences of roofs, large trees, logs, stones, people and animals were observed repeatedly in different terrains.

The behaviour of tornadoes corresponds to the feature of small black hole motion near the terrestrial surface [Òð09]. As judged by width of a tornado crater, otons with masses more than 1020 g should correspond to that. If the velocity of a black hole motion relative to the terrestrial surface is minimal, their action turns out to be maximal: gravitational whirlwinds have the time for their developing, and transferences of objects and so on turn out to be possible.

Occurring unexpectedly near to the terrestrial surface and moving in the direction of the Earth rotation approximately with the same velocity, small black holes for a short time, as though, hang over the ground. The orbit of a black hole temporarily becomes quasi-stationary.

The appearance of a tornado is preceded by the rare combination of atmospheric conditions, especial parameters of fermi-otonic system as a force nucleus, the vector of grassiphoton velocity and the plane of the system orbit rotation.

Various combinations of conditions above provide not only the diversity of tornadoes' forms, but also other phenomena. If masses are small or velocities are large, otons are able not to result in tornado formation under the most favorable for this phenomenon atmospheric conditions, but they can make significant influences upon firm bodies near of the oton trajectory.

Gravi -impulsive destructions of buildings in cities are characteristic in this respect.


7.4. Gravi-impulsive destructions of buildings (to the top). In cities the black hole has in one thousand times more chances to be noticed, than in an arbitrary part of the terrestrial surface. The destruction of multi-storey building in city by black hole can not remain unnoticed. The probability of hit in a building is proportional to cube of the linear size, and hence, skyscrapers (for example, the Trading Centre in New York, the federal building in Oklahoma-city) are rather good targets for black holes. Besides of direct witnesses of similar events, both inhabitants of city, and inhabitants of the planet through mass media can learn about it.

In cities of the whole world destructions of buildings happen constantly, and a lot of such events are caused by local gravitational blowes. Only in Moscow annually there occur 10-15 local, gravitational "earthquakes", some of which have rather unusual nature and lead to destruction of houses. Let us mention only one distinctive case, about which mass media informed [Áà10].

аа December 25, 1967, about 21 hours andа 30 minutes, in Moscow under the house ¹ 77 in Osipenko Street two powerful gravi-pushes have happened one after other, which have destroyed a five-story building. About 200 persons have perished according to some data. Eyewitnesses certify, that some blocks of the house have thrown out on neighbour streets together with tenants, the people hungs on trees, the house has risen in air, has hang on an instant, and only then has destroyed. Some witnesses tell, that during the incident they have been lifted to the ceiling.

In the case given the inversion of the gravitational force caused by the short-term appearance of a black hole is obvious. However, it is necessary to note again, that the action of gravitation from a black hole has impulsive nature, and bodies feel not a constant acceleration, but specific gravitational pushes (see Section 5.1.). And here is, if gravimeters and variometers have synchronously registered OGI, the gravitational nature of building destruction would find the fundamental experimental substantiation. Thus, all the technogeneous environment and cityТs building can be independent certificates of black hole manifestations .

Explosions of volcanoes and earthquakes are not attributed until to criminals (the whole humankind has not the necessary amount of energy), but one try to attribute accidents of smaller scales to technogeneous or human factors.

In destroying buildings by gravi-impulses there are numerous certificates of gravitational force inversions down to those that buildings rose and hung on an instant in air. But the event in the town Sasovo of Ryazan region was one more bright phenomenon of such kind.


7.5. Geophysical explosion in Sasovo (to the top). The strange "explosion", which has happened near the town Sasovo of Ryazan region [×å20], [ÕÕ01], April, 12, 1991, 1h34m, is of interest. In establishments, houses, schools, hospitals, at many enterprises frames have flown, glasses have dislodged, doors were deformed by the explosion. A large crater (28 meters in the diameter and 4 meters in the depth) remained in the place of event. The crater is surprisingly round with large (3 meters in the diameter) hillock in the middle.

One of the first versions was the explosion of saltpeter, which in amount over thirty tons was on the place of event. However, for exploding saltpeter, which by its power is equal to explosion of 25 tons of tnt, an intermediate detonator of huge power is necessary. Nevertheless, neither traces of explosion, nor traces of saltpeter itself at the place of Sasovo explosion has not appeared. Other versions, i.e., the explosion of "vacuum" bomb, the fall of meteorite and others, also do not hold critique.

Probably, the only physical model, which is able nowadays to explain a variety of unusual physical phenomena observed in Sasovo, is the flight of a small black hole with the mass about thousand billions tons from beneath the Earth. The majority of Sasovo phenomenon riddles can be explained by the features of gravitational field of a black hole, which has flown near Sasovo.

аSo, a black hole flying from beneath the terrestrial surface in the beginning strengthens locally the gravitational field of the Earth, but then, attracting to itself the substance, it counteracts to EarthТs gravitation. A black hole force of attraction can be locally in many orders more than the terrestrial one. Moving upwards, the black hole seizes and carries away environmental substance. The crater symmetry is explained by the radial nature of gravitation. A hillock in the middle is a place of exiting of an oton, which pulls out behind itself substance from the terrestrial interiors. A black hole force of attraction, smoothly varying with distance, gradually stops its influence on pulled out pieces of ground, and they fluently land on a surface. Here a kind of antigravitation acts locally in the beginning (which exceeds the force of gravitation from a black hole), but then the black hole force of gravitation smoothly weakens, and the EarthТs gravitation begins to dominate. A short-term local turn of gravitational force explains the people ejection from beds at a moment of event. At the centre of black hole passage the force of gravitation was so great, that about two thousands tons of substance were carried away.

A relative rarity of events like SasovoТs event, probably, speaks about a lunar-terrestrial nature of oton orbit. A possible presence of considerable number of otons (flows, swarms of black holes), having similar trajectories, explains the especial feature of the MoonТs influence on a person: there is an increased density of otons in this direction.


7.6.а Gravitational catastrophes of planes (to the top). The probability of black hole influence on subjects is proportional to cube of their linear sizes. Ships and planes in this sense are relatively nonbad targets. Moreover, the direct hit is unnecessary: it is enough for a plane to appear even for a second in a zone of the black hole gravitational force supremacy, andа it will be underbid by an otonic graviimpulse (see Section 5.1.). An OGI (otonic gravitational impulse) vector can form any angle with a vector of plane velocity. Therefore, the OGI influence can be different: the plane can be thrown downwards, on the ground, or it can be thrown high upwards, its velocity can vary through inverse or increase considerably. More weak gravi-pushes, not resulting in catastrophic consequences, must be more frequent and ordinary events (for example, the effect of "air pillows" kind).

In a case of strange aircraft catastrophes (À-310 in Mezhdurechensk, Tu-154 in Khabarovsk edge, IL-76 on Kamchatka, the aircraft accident, which has resulted in perishing Ju.Gagarin, the first cosmonaut of the Earth) and disappearances of planes [Êó10] terrestrial black holes can be regarded as the possible cause of these tragic events.

Now we shall stop on such like a clear phenomenon, as a collision. For clashing casually the plane with another one, they are necessary to fly simultaneously and continuously during hundred millions years. If one takes into account all the planes, being in air simultaneously, the time before the collision will decrease in few orders, but all the same it will remain large enough.

аThe time of a plane presence in an air corridor near the airport is in few orders less than the total time of flight, therefore its account should not change the situation fundamentally. For clashing planes, the sniper art and the desire of a team at least of one of the planes are necessary. However, if a force centre (black hole) happened between planes, the planes will go on rapprochement in a direction of common for them attractive centre, i.e., black hole, despite probabilistic estimations and the will of pilots. If OGI is sufficiently large, the clash is inevitable. Having appeared between planes at the distance of hundred meters, the black hole with sizes of an atom for fractions of a second can lead to a catastrophic clash of planes. There is a number of such events in aircraft.

We shall cite only one recent instance: the clash of two planes in 75 kilometers from Delhi on November 12, 1996. This accident is one of the largest in the whole history of aircraft: Saudi "Boeing-747" and Kazakhstan Il-76 have clashed in air [Îð00], [Ñå00], [Áå00].

The brief chronicle of the incident is such. Fifteen minutes have passed from the moment of start. "Boeing-747" has taken height quickly and has headed for southwest. In this moment Il-76, which went on landing, has appeared unexpectedly so close to "Boeing" (though a difference of heights of air corridors was more than 250 meters), that it was already impossible to prevent accident. The clash has happened about 19 oТclock of the local time on height of about five kilometers. According to words of eyewitnesses, the strong explosion occurred in evening sky, and two planes, instantly having turned in fiery balls, have fallen on the ground at the distance of few kilometers from each other.

Several versions of reasons of this tragic event were put forward. All these reasons and a circuit of casual mistakes in the aggregate could only decline planes from a route. But a sniperТs hitting of one plane in another due to mistake is just already incredible. It is obvious only that for incomprehensible reasons the planes have appeared not just in one air corridor, but in the same point and in the same time, which is extremely improbable. It is obvious for everybody, who is familiar with difficulties of deciding the task of "meeting" in anti-aircraft artillery. However, it is clear even from a common experience, as far as difficult is hitting the target, especially, if it is object, moving with large velocity.

For example, the clash of the cargo ship "Progress" with the orbital complex "Mir" on June 25, 1997а is but comprehensible: a link-up of the cargo ship means a rapprochement with the orbital complex. Though, it is not everything obvious here: such has not been during 11 years of existence of the orbital complex, that the cargo ship has lost control and clashed with the station. However, crews of planes, naturally, had no desire to make the such "link-up", and it is incomprehensible at all, why it nevertheless has occurred against the will of two crews.

The situation varies cardinally in a case of presence of one attraction centre between planes, i.e., a black hole. According to the law of universal gravitation, planes must inevitably tend towards one attraction centre, and, hence, towards one another. Even a short-term (tenth parts of a second) presence of a black hole with a size about atomic between planes, which are in nearby air corridors, will result in their inevitable clash. Some bodies of perished and splinters of planes could be carried away by a black hole far from a place of accident.

For clashing a cargo ship with the station "Mir" (a distance between them is much smaller) thousandth part of a second is sufficient. In certain conditions terrestrial black holes can influence trajectory of car motion, leading, in particular, to accidents of cars. One cannot exclude, that the fatal for princess Diana declination of the car Mercedes-Benz from its trajectory of motion at night from the 30th to 31st of August 1997 was caused by power effect of a terrestrial black hole. Accidents and clashes in water environment are not less mysterious, than in air.


7.7. Gravitational accidents in the world ocean (to the top). History and statistics of ship clashes are much more rich, than those of planes. So, only last three years there were three clashes of the largest tankers transporting crude oil and oil products, [Êí00]. The appearing between ships a common for them attraction force centre, i.e., a black hole, results in that clashes of ships nevertheless occur in defiance of the will and the mind of people, and of insignificant probability.

Let us pay attention to an important circumstance: in cases considered OGI is short-term and it has no time in air (or in water) to create a tornado (or crater). But the significant pulse can be transferred to firm bodies.

аA direct clash of a sea vessel with a black hole brings its features in that, which has occurred. Let us consider only one distinctive example of recent time: the tanker "Nakhodka" perishing in 1997. In the night from the 1st to the 2nd of January at 3 o'clock 40 minutes in the Japanese sea this tanker has broken on two parts [Îñ00], [Êí00], [Ôð20]. After a storm wave blow (or after something else) on body of " Nakhodka" its forward part has been broken off. Many experts assert categorically, that the vessel of 170 meters length, and of 20 meters width and setting, cannot be broken even by the most abrupt wave. It is needed a blow of such power, which is equivalent to a rock appearance on a way of a vessel.

The conclusion of the Russian sea register of navigation, which is the supreme arbitrator in a fleet technical estimation states: "It is possible to assert with a large probability, that the break of the vessel body has occurred not because of bad technical conditions of bodyТs links or lacks of its general durability". The tanker "Nakhodka" was insured by 700 millions dollars (according to other messages, by 500 millions dollars) in the English insurance company "Tomas Miller". This sum definitely testifies the Russian party to be interested in the version of external reasons of accident.

However, despite the partiality of participants of the discussion the question stays the same: why the tanker all the same has been broken? Various experts are interested in it, including scientists, which present different reasons of the tanker "Nakhodka" perishing in the Japanese sea [Ôð20].

According to the opinion of V.Petrenko, the laboratory manager of Pacific geography institute, "Nakhodka" has become a victim of a wave-"murderer" [Ôð20]. Statistics gives a number of sea accidents caused by blowes of waves- "murderers", which break down vessels asunder. But nature of waves-"murderers" themselves stays unopened.

Terrestrial black holes can both produce local water anomalies (water poles, tornadoes, whirlpools, "waves-murderer" and others), and inflict death blow on sea vessels. A gravitational force of black holes can surpass locally that of the Earth in many orders (see Section 5.1.) and play a role of a suddenly arisen "rock" on a way of the tanker "Nakhodka". The blow from OGI can be directed only on a local site of a sea vessel, resulting, thus, in its breaking off. By means of two such events, knowing coordinates and the time, one can predict further wanderings of Уa black hole-murderer" and prove the natural character of the accident of the tanker "Nakhodka". But the modern technical civilization has also much larger objects, which can be subject to destructive influences of black holes.


7.8. Technosphere of the Earth as a black hole indicator (to the top). If local influences of black holes upon various objects of nature, frequently, can hardly be separated on a background of other natural factors action, their influence upon various objects of technosphere cannot stay unnoticed. An overwhelming part of natural objects is outside any permanent control and supervision by a person. But objects of technosphere are under continuous supervision by a person and (or) by technical means of control. So that any technosphere objects deviation from their normal functioning attracts steadfast attention.

There goes a constant growth, increase of technosphere objects, that is, all greater number of more large power stations, factories, plants, processing complexes is put into effect, the number and the range of water -, gas -, oil-pipelines, etc. grow. Proportionally to the increased technosphere volume a probability of destructive influences from terrestrial black holes grows too.а

At the same time the conversance of a society has increased sharply due to developing of electronic mass media and it continues to grow. Thus, not only the number of technical accidents, but also conversance about them grow. Terrestrial black holes, manifesting themselves rather locally and rapidly, could not find out themselves earlier so obviously, as now, in conditions of the developed technical civilization with a high level of mass media development.

As it will be taken notice in the following chapter, in the past of the terrestrial civilization in conditions of mass media absence adequate information on the largest accident in one of centres of the terrestrial civilization in the Mediterranean sea was lost. It was the explosion of Santorini volcano, being equal by power to the explosion of one million nuclear bombs, which have been blown up in Hiroshima. Consequences of this explosion have resulted in decline of the civilization of Crete. Now events, which are in many orders less in a scale, become known practically to the whole humankind.

Therefore only nowadays due to developing mass media more frequent detections of less significant manifestations of terrestrial black holes have become possible. Moreover, traces of terrestrial black holes stay in technosphere, and traces at times rather tragical. The Tschernobyl tragedy is recalled first.

A number of circumstances of failure on the Tshernobyl APS April 26, 1986 is possible to explain by passage of a black hole through it. These are: a specificity of the 3-rd block foundation breakup; a phosphorescence over the APS, having been observed before the explosion; a formation of local cloud over the Tshernobyl region; an underground hum before the explosion; some certificates of gravitational force local inversion and of seismic push. In this case a combined influence of a black hole was possible: gravitational and black hole radiations could initiate the APS explosion.

All more enlarging its volume technosphere is subjected all greater threat from terrestrial black holes. Constant communication is supported with ships and planes, and their movement is traced. Therefore, a fact of their disappearance fixation is usual. Nevertheless, a number of other objects (including objects of technosphere) can vanish without traces, but traces of black holes in technosphere in that or another form remain.

Terrestrial black holes can be a cause of the most various accidents and failures in objects of technosphere (in systems of water supply, electrosupply, gas supply, warmsupply, water drain, communications, in various buildings and constructions, in factories, plants, in various enterprises). Certainly, there is a number of other reasons of all these phenomena, and, most likely, the otonic factor is not the first. But the analysis of all these phenomena, whether they have otonic nature, did not enter into a task of this work. While we shall take notice here only two important circumstances.

The first. The more and more growing gas- and oil-pipelines by their spatial volume become comparable with cities. It means that the probability of black hole hit in them is comparable to that for cities. Therefore, in designing and operating gas- and oil-pipelines it is necessary to take into account such a natural factor, as terrestrial black holes.

The second. Besides unique gravitational manifestations of terrestrial otons it is necessary to take into account a black hole radiation (see Section 1.1 and Chapter 6). As one can see from Table 6.2.1, terrestrial black holes are the source of electrons and positrons, and it can result in various electrical manifestations. In a sense they represent a kind of "power stations", which are possible to serve for the boon of humankind in the future. If otons are centres of condensation of storm clouds, the passage of a black hole can initiate lightnings. The nature of fireballs is possible to be caused by fermiotons.

Terrestrial black holes are microscopic sources of huge energy, and a kind of thermal anomalies. In their moving they transfer heat to an environment. Thus, the warming up can be so considerable, that an ignition of things occurs. Some fires are possible to be initiated by passage of such the black holes. There are numerous certificates of fires in multi-story buildings, when simultaneous ignitions on several floors have being happened. The radiative black hole passage through a building can be a cause of practically simultaneous ignitions on several floors. But there are cases of else more amazing fires: it is self-ignitions of people, which will be a subject of the next Section.

Spontaneous[sp O n'te I n I q s]Human['hju:m q n]Combustion[k q m'b A s C ( q )n] - SHC[es, e I C ,si:]

sudden death - [ " s A dn'de T ]


7.9. Spontaneous people self-ignitions energetics and a sudden death (to the top). Cases of people self-ignition are known for a long time [Ãî00], [Êà00], [Ëå20], [ÎÍ00],[Ñà40], [Ëà10], [ÕÕ00], but antique sources mentioned them in rather mythological expressions. Till now for official science the phenomenon of people self-ignition is no more, than a myth.

During centuries messages on the mysterious phenomenon of a person self-ignition have being appeared. The alive, healthy person all but instantly transforms to ashes (or coal-like mass), but surround things and even clothe of burned person turned out to be not touched by fire.

Hundred cases of people self-ignition were registered, and rare who has survived. The majority of victims instantly burned under influence of a mysterious, super-power flame, and in quite different conditions: in an armchair, in a bed, in a car, in a forest, in a street and even on a dance pavilion.

The phenomenon of a person self-ignition seemed incomprehensible, since in science for a long time there were no theoretical constructions, capable to explain this phenomenon. The fact is that a human body is not combustible material: it consists in two thirds of water. A human body is impossible to ignite, as straw or kerosene. The process of spontaneous combustion of a person does not lead to energy extraction, but on the contrary, it requires it in vast amounts. As minimum all water should instantly evaporate. Complete combustion of a human body will need few hours and temperature more than 1300 K░: such conditions are created specially in crematorium for burning corpses. One can imagine, what the vast amount of energy should instantly appear in a person to transform him to an alive torch.

Only in XVIIIth century rather detailed descriptions of a phenomenon of self-ignition begin to appear with detailed reports of physicians and inspectorsа [Êà00], [Ëå20]. The skeptical attitude of scientists to theа very fact of a phenomenon reality is comprehensible: rare events of people self-ignitions occur not in scientific laboratories at the appointed time, but at an arbitrary time.

Herewith the conditions of the such phenomenon one cannot reproduce. Not always there are witnesses of such events, and if they are, certificates of eyewitnesses of the rapid, extreme phenomenon, naturally, turned out far from ideals of scientific report about a realization of beforehand planned experiment.

The event of a person self-ignition, which for the first time has received wide popularity, and was officially registered in press and judicial documents, has happened in 1725 in the French city Reims[Ãî00], [Êà00].

Later the description of this event has got in "the Encyclopaedic dictionary", issued in Berlin in 1843, and it has become the first in history a rather authentic certificate of a person self-ignition. Nowadays there are hundred certificates of these instant tragical events.

In the majority of cases a part of body (sometimes a half) stays not touched by fire. Limbs (legs or hands) are often conserved. The self-combustion results in two types of remnants: a body transforms either to ashes, or in caked, coal-like mass. The localization of self-ignition process inside a body is a feature of the phenomenon given. An internal, local fire sometimes embraces only human body and can not touch even clothe or bed, in which a victim sleeps.

During self-ignition process the enormous intensity of a flame develops, in which a body practically instantly transforms into ashes, and bones melt. Even in crematorium such is not observed after many hours. The intensity of the process is so great, that people have no time to make at all any attempts to take refuge (to call the help or to run to the water). Such the intensive process of combustion of a body requires so great amount of energy, which is merely absent in a human body in free, untied form. Obviously, energy required should appear from outside, and the very moment of its arrival is subjectively perceived as "a thermal explosion from inside".

Since Lebich many experts were engaged in this phenomenon, and there are different attempts to explain it[Ãî00], [Êà00], [Ëå20], [ÎÍ00],[Ñà40], [Ëà10], [ÕÕ00], though till now messages about this phenomenon seemed much doubtful for many scientists. A reason of low scientific validity of the messages about a phenomenon of people self-ignition consists in theа very nature of this phenomenon, i.e., in its rapidity, locality, unpredictability, unreproducability. Moreover, remnants of self-ignitions themselves are short-lived and usually not exposed to any serious scientific examination. From flabbergasted witnesses of these instant tragedies one cannot expect any scientifically authentic certificates.

However, within the scientific research carried out there is no especial necessity for empirical descriptions of the phenomenon given. The fact is that in the idea of terrestrial black holes an oton influence upon a person is predicted [Òð00-16]. In particular, the effect of a person self-ignition is simulated too. Irrespective of all these descriptions the effect of energetic influence of black hole radiation upon terrestrial objects has been predicted (from hardly detectable thermal anomalies and fireballs up to thermonuclear reactions and grandiose volcanic phenomena [Òð00-16]).

Let us consider a terrestrial micro-black hole, which orbit apocentre is above the terrestrial surface. Let us first estimate the value of energy needing for incineration of person (Qm). For complete combustion it is necessary as a minimum to heat instantly and evaporate water, the basic component of a human body. Thus, the value Qm forms from the value Q D T░ , that is from heat needed for warming water up to the boiling point, and Qo, that is heat needed for evaporating water. The order of value is easily determined from the expression:


ааааааааааа Qm а = Q D T а +а Qo = Mm(k D T + q),аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа (7.9.1.)


where Mm = 5.104 g. Substituting known coefficients, we obtain the order of value Qm ~ 1015 erg. From the expression (6.2.1.) and table (6.2.1.) one can see, that terrestrial black holes can wholly extract practically instantly in rather local regions the amount of energy required.

For black holes in a range of masses 1017 g > Ì > 5.1014 g the formula for total radiation power has the form:


ааааааааааааа g/Ì )2erg.s-1.аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа (7.9.2.)


According to (7.9.2) the value close to Qm = 1015 erg is obtained. However, it is necessary to take into account the following.

Relativistic electrons and positrons, which share of the radiated energy is 45%, carry away energy mainly outside, and the inconsiderable part only can be transferred to a human body. For other particles the power of radiation carried away is distributed as follows: 1% of energy radiated is carried away by gravitons, 45% is by neutrinos, which interact with substance weakly like gravitons, and only 9% of energy radiated is carried away by photons, but they are superhard g -quanta, which energy only partially can be absorbed by a human body. In the condition of a rapid black hole passage (Ì > 1014 g) through a person the otonic energy extracted during this time ( D t < 10-4 s) can be insufficient for complete combustion. Therefore, a black hole of else smaller mass (PBH ~ MBH-2) is necessary.

For masses in a range 1014 g < Ì < 1013,5 g the power of black hole radiation is estimated by the expression:


а ааааааа а g/Ì) 2 erg. s-1.ааааааааааааааааааааааааа (7.9.3.)


The energy ( D ÅBH), which will be extracted in a human body during the time (t) of instant black hole flight, will be defined by the expression D ÅBH = PBH D t.

Let us take notice at once, that though a considerable part of black hole radiation in the form of neutrinos, gravitons and other particles with considerable length of free run will again freely leave in space, but more massive particles, i.e., nucleons (12%), which more effectively are absorbed by a human body, will appear in radiation.

It is enough for an effect of self-ignition, when MBH £ 1014 g, that energy extracted by a black hole in its passing through a person was absorbed. Thus, micro-black holes explain the energetics of person self-ignitions. Irrespective of a degree of reliability of available certificates of self-ignition phenomenon, this effect is predicted within the idea of terrestrial black holes. Like other phenomena caused by moving terrestrial black holes, a self-ignition differs by rapidity, locality and difficult predictability.

Let us estimate the order of temperature value in the hearth epicenre of self-ignition, i.e., in a black hole. This value is defined by the expression:


T BH = hc3(8 p Gk)-1M-1 ~ 1,2 × 1026K (M g)-1.аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа(7.9.4.)


A black hole (MBH £ 1014 g), providing the person combustion, has T BH ³ 1012 Ê , that is over thousand billions degrees. The instant nature of self-ignitions become comprehensible under such grandiose gradient of temperatures. The otonic model of people self-ignition explains other riddles of this phenomenon too.

The instant flight ( D t < 10-4 s) of a black hole (MBH £ 1014 g) and the injection of energy (Qm ~ 1015 erg) inside human body gives effect "of internal explosion", "of thermal stroke from inside", about what there are direct certificates of participants of these instant tragical events.

This energy, connected with a vast gradient of temperatures, which are more than billions degrees on a centimeter (in the epicentre of internal thermal "explosion" T BH ³ 1012 Ê ), results in a superheat thermal wave, which, being distributed instantly to a body surface, immediately burns all on its way. Certainly, under such temperatures the unusual fire arises, which does not give, at times, even a smoke.

At the same time, energy Qm = 1015 erg suffices only for process of person combustion, because in this process the energy is absorbed, instead of its giving away outside. Therefore, often during a self-ignition process a person (or its part) instantly burns down, but up to surround things and even up to clothes the superfast thermal wave, having given away all the energy to human bodies and fabrics, cannot reach.

In black hole passing in air, which density in few orders is less than that of human body substance, black hole radiation leads to much less energy effect. Therefore, around victim of self-ignition, effects of ignition are either absent, or they are negligible.

A person simply is not capable to react to so fast, rash process of the internal thermal wave distribution, and, therefor, it is not amazing, that the complete person helplessness before its self-ignition is registered practically in all descriptions of this phenomenon. This picture of the process is correct even if the value of energy is of the order D ÅBH ~ Qm = 1015 erg.

If D ÅBH << Qm, only a small part of a human body burns, and that can occur without any external manifestations. The process turns out to be localized deeply inside a person. Consequences for a person in a case of such the black hole passage through him ( D ÅBH << Qm) can be various.

Firstly, they can be lethal. If vital organs or fabrics burn away, a person perishes. A number of sudden deaths of practically healthy people happens in the world, and that resulted in appearance the notion of Уsudden death" in medicine [Âí00], [Âî30]. Some of them are possible to be caused by black holes. The number of deceased per a year is expressed by the value of the order 5╖107, it was equal to 56 millions people in 1975 [Óð00], and 6,2 million of them have died under not quite realized circumstances. Otons as the cause of sudden death are the most suitable candidates, since, striking suddenly a person, they do not leave practically any traces. If this version is correct, otons are the greatest murderers of all times.

Secondly, they can be pathological. If self-ignitions lead to pathological, but not lethal changes in internal organs and fabrics, temporary or constant illnesses can appear (sudden illnesses are usual phenomena). At last, they can be painless. In a case the effect from black hole radiation in its flying through a person is of the same order, as from cosmic, background one, and a person does not feel something especial.

If D ÅBH >> Qm, a human body burns together with all surroundings. From outside it looks as a usual fire. Herewith, nobody are especially surprised by a scorched corpse. Moreover, nobody are surprised by a case, when during self-ignition the only ashes stays from a person, which are lost on a background of whole site of fire. As it was noticed in Section 7.8, there can be fires, when simultaneous ignitions on several floors of a building happen. Apparently, the list of different types of fires, which reason can be black hole radiation, is possible to continue: ignitions of tankers, ships, planes, automobiles, oil and gas depositories, warehouses of an ammunition and other combustible objects, wood fires and others.

Besides of black hole radiation the oton gravitational field itself can influence directly upon a person. Moreover, black holes can be both outside a person, and inside. If a black hole is adown, under large values of attraction force a person can be simply crushed (a person cannot sustain even a short-term overload more than 100 g [Êí10]). There are messages in a seal that not only people, but also houses fall under ground.

If a black hole is overhand, under certain conditions a person ascension upwards ("fall in to the sky") is possible. There are various certificates of "ascensions on heaven", including religious ones.

At last, gravitational (otonic) bullets can suddenly pierce a person. It is possible to estimate gravitational influences of different mass otons during that or another time upon those or other internal organs of a person. For example, it is possible to try to answer a question: what will be, if a black hole in billion tons will appear in human heart? Thus, it is possible to speak about otonic (gravitational) factor of human health.

Let us estimate the time (tBH), in which a micro-black hole having the velocity vBH = vsp, will get a person (i.e., one of Nm people) taken arbitrary, which has cross-section (Sm ~ 10-1 m2). In this time the black hole with the area Sm should cover whole the volume of the Earth (V Å = (4/3) × p R3 Å ). From these conditions this time will be defined as follows:


аааааааааааааааааааа tBH = V Å (vBHSm Nm)-1аааа ааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа(7.9.5.)


Substituting in (7.9.5) known values, we obtain tBH ~ 106 s. It means, that each half-month a black hole can fall into person. Thus, the presence of even one black hole with parameters required is enough to explain available frequency of self-ignitions. Certainly, not tangent hits, but end-to-end intrapersonal trajectories are necessary, which would be maximum long and deep, that these black hole hits result in maximum complete self-ignitions. Such hits, naturally, are less.

In invisible war of black holes against person there are more victims than in global wars. Nothing in the world can protect against black holes, there is no place to be hidden from them. Sudden death from "gravitational killers" waits for everybody. How one can avoid a fatal meeting with a black hole-"murderer"? One can run away from it in places far from the otonic trajectory, having calculated the trajectory of a black hole-"murderer".

The certain number of black holes with the appropriate parameters can explain unexplained fires and strange sudden death. From expression (7.9.5.) it follows, that appearance even one new black hole, which orbit apocentre is close to the terrestrial surface, should be reflected in statistics of appropriate phenomena. Moreover, knowing a chain of the same events, that is, knowing the time and coordinates of black hole appearance near the terrestrial surface (as the minimum it is necessary to know parameters of two such events), one can predict in principle these phenomena in the future, in that or another place in the Earth.

Thus, like the forecast of weather there is a possibility to forecast self-ignitions, fires and accidents caused by otons. It means, that one can counteract these tragedies and be rescued from a fatal meeting with "a black hole-murderer". Moreover, one can prove the natural origin of many technogenic accidents, which were earlier written off onto technical reasons or human factor.

Phenomena of combustion (complete or partial disappearance) of internal human organs and fabrics, both with lethal end, and without it are predicted within the idea of terrestrial black holes. The well-timed and careful investigation of cases of sudden death can confirm this prediction.

Black hole radiation should result in the effect of induced radio-activity in that or another form. This also can be checked up in operative investigation of a place of event in respect of radio-activity.

Radiation of a black hole (7.9.3.) with Ì << 1014 g should contain particles, predicted in the various united theories of Great Unification, hence, the phenomenon of self-ignition (as well as its relics) is of direct interest for physics of elementary particles. Final stages of black hole radiation, i.e., grandiose explosions, in which Plankian particles are born and accidents of planetary scale occur, are of the greatest interest in this respect. It is that we shall discuss in the following chapter.

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