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2. Black holes in space bodies

2.1. Otons are universal centres (УgermsФ) of formation of space objects.
2.2. Black holes in neutron stars and the phenomenon of pulsars.
2.3. The solar neutrino deficiency problem and the central black hole in the model of the Sun.
2.4. Black holes in planets.

 As Å. Ì. Lifshits has shown in 1946 [Ëè00], in the homogeneous extending world galaxies and their clusters cannot appear due to the gravitational instability. Initial inhomogeneities of density of Metagalactic substance are necessary, which should play a role of germs in various sorts of space object's formation. The difficulties in an explanation of the origin of initial inhomogeneities have forced to appeal to the idea of transmetagalactic origin of otons [Òð00].


2.1. Otons are universal centers ("germs") of formation of space objects (to the top). Black holes as relics of grey holes can be effectively used as germs for formation of various space objects. In the otonic worlds conception transmetagalactic black holes represent universal centers of formation of classical astrophysical objects: planets, satellites of planets, comets, planetesimals, stars, galactic nuclei, clusters of galaxies and so on.

Thus, the answer to a question "How black holes have appeared in the Earth?" becomes clear. Black holes initially were in the Earth and other space bodies. Being "germs" of these bodies, black holes precede the formation of usual astrophysical objects.

For a long time the idea of black holes as "germs" of galaxies and clusters of galaxies [Ca04] has received popularity, but the idea of black holes as "germs" of stars [Cl00], [Fo00] is less known. In the framework of otonic scenario otons are considered to be universal "germs" of all space objects down to planets. A logic consequence of this idea is a notion of the existence of otons ensemble in space bodies which are not only situated at the center of objects, but also moving in their gravitational fields.

The following scheme of otons hit in space bodies is possible. In standard cosmogonic scenario planets (in particular, the Earth) are considered to have been formed by due to accretion of planetesimals on to "germs" of planets. But planetesimals themselves, as it follows from the otonic scenario, have been formed as well by due to accretion of substance on to otons, which were "germs" of planetesimals.

Thus, otons are not single, "naked", and they initially are in appropriate gravitational potential "holes" and surrounded with substance. Here are otons, having shells of substance, that can be grasped by space bodies [Òð11]. At last, it is possible simply to postulate the existence of otons in the Earth, not putting a question on their origin.

In the beginning we shall discuss the most characteristic manifestations of black holes in space bodies. The choice of points at issue is obvious: neutron stars (maximal density of a matter); the Sun (the nearest star and the largest object in Solar system); planets, which have brighter manifestations of black holes, than on the Earth.


2.2. Black holes in neutron stars and the phenomenon of pulsars (to the top). Intrastellar black holes do not influence radically on stars evolution, but they can render a decisive influence on evolution of poststars: white dwarves and neutron stars. Poststars have density of substance significantly higher, than stars have, hence, the rate of substance accretion on to a black hole and the energy separation at accretion should be larger as well. In this respect millisecond pulsars are interesting.

To explain the phenomenon of pulsars and, in particular, of formation of millisecond pulsars, the alternative model of neutron star which contains a small black hole at the center was proposed by the author [Tr01,3]. According to this model, the acceleration of rotation occurs due to theа neutron star substance flow (accretion) on to the black hole, that leads to decreasing of angular momentum and, consequently, to increasing of speed of rotation.

From this model, the possibility of existence of the submillisecond pulsars class with   Pmin < 0,5 ms was predicted. The submillisecond optical pulsar (P  0.5 ms) in the region of SUPERNEW SN-1987A, discovered since the prediction has been made, is a good confirmation of a fidelity of the given model.

The other consequence of this model is the possibility of acceleration of solitary pulsars rotation, since the reason of this acceleration is the internal structure of a neutron star (the presence of a small black hole in the center). The confirmation of this conclusion is the discovering of the negative derivative of period (Ð = -2 а10-17 ñ/ñ) of the single pulsar PSR 2127 + 11 (Ð = 110 ms) in globular cluster Ì15.

The black hole in the center means the presence of point-like mass in the neutron star center, on to which a drain (an accretion) of superconductive neutron liquid occurs. The mass which has appeared in the small black hole ("point"), does not already contribute to the inertia momentum. The decrease of the inertia momentum by due to the law of rotating momentum conservation must be compensated by acceleration of rotation.

It simplifies the task considerably and allows to determine the accretion rate on to a black hole by the derivative of period from the condition of rotating momentum conservation:


ааааааааааааааааааааааааааа J w = L = const.аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа (2.2.1)


The inertia momentum for neutron star is defined by the expression:


аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа J 0,1 MR2 ,ааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа (2.2.2)ааа


which gives the following estimation of the neutron star inertia momentum: J0 = 1044 g аsm2. Taking into account (2.2.2.) from (2.2.1.) it is possible to obtain:

ааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа .аааааааааааааааааааааааа (2.2.3.)


Assuming R = const and differentiating (2.2.3.) with respect to time, we shall get


ааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа .аааааааааааааааааааааааааа (2.2.4)


A substitution of neutron star parameters and parameters of the 110 ms pulsar gives the following estimation of the accretion rate on to the central black hole: а= 2 а1017 g аs-1. Let us put to use the formula for the hydrodynamic spherical accretion [Øà00] to estimate the black hole mass, since superfluid liquid is in the interior of neutron star:


ааааааааа . (2.2.5).а


The black hole parameters are obtained from (2.2.5.) by substitution of the neutron star parameters: MBH   1,58 а1019g, RBH а 2 а10-9 sm, r BH    1044 g  sm-3. The sizes by the order are comparable with atomic sizes, and the considerable magnitude of density speaks about the degree of matter compression. These quantities together show the validity of the analogy of matter accretion on to small black hole with tightening of substance in a point.

Let us notice, that estimations given are illustrative rather than quantitative, since the repelling pressure of fermi-system is not taking into account. The problem of accretion of superdense degenerated substance on to micro-black holes was not yet specially investigated. The Hawking radiation and the fermi-pressure of substance accreted can not only decrease considerably the rate of accretion, but also under certain conditions are capable to stop the accretion.

Since the accretion rate is directly proportional to square of the black hole mass, the acceleration of pulsar rotation is to increase with time, i.e., fast-rotating pulsars must be old objects. On the one hand, the pulsar rotation is decelerated due to the energy loss, and on the other hand, it is accelerated due to the inertia momentum increase. These processes follow simultaneously, but the deceleration of rotation dominates at the beginning due to the energy loss, and after some time the accretion process on to the black hole leads to the acceleration of rotation. The second derivative of the period must increase with the time too.

The accretion rate on to a black hole (2.2.4.) corresponds to considerable amount of energy extraction, which should warm up the neutron star; and since the accretion rate grows with the time, the neutron star cooling process must be exchanged for its heating.

Thus, old pulsars should be not only fast-rotating, but also hot. An observation of hard radiation from single millisecond pulsars, having the negative derivative of period, for example, for PSR 2127 + 11, would be one more confirmation of black hole's presence in neutron stars.

The negative derivative of the single pulsar PSR 2127 + 11 implies the internal cause of the rotation acceleration, that is, it certificates the accretion of the neutron star substance on to small interior black hole. Because of told above it should be expected the discovery of other single pulsars with the negative derivative of the period. These pulsars should have the significant second derivative of the period as well.

The model given explains the very phenomenon of pulsars [Tr01,03]. The substance accretion on to the Kerr black hole is anisotropic, leading to the appearance of specific directions of energy radiation (projectors), which is the feature of pulsars. Such the character of radiation creates "heat dots" at the neutron star surface or sources of pulsing radiation.

But let us pass to discussion of problems concerning with space objects, closer to the Earth: the Sun and other objects of our planetary system.


2.3. The solar neutrino deficiency problem and the central black hole in the model of the Sun (to the top). Hawking has suggested that the intrasolar black hole of the mass of 1017 g [Ha00]: "can be the cause, that the flow of neutrino from the Sun does not coincide with that predicted ".

Till now the problem of solar neutrino has not yet found any decision. Standard models of the Sun predict the neutrino flow in the experiment with 37Ñ1 to be of the order of 7,9 2,6 SNU [Ba00]. While the level observed now is 2,1 0,9 SNU [Ba00]. It shows, that there is a significant divergence between the predictions of standard models and the experiments of Davies. All this has resulted in the necessity to consider an alternative energy source of the Sun, namely the central, intrasolar black hole, on to which solar substance accrues.

This idea has received development in works of other scientists and the further accounts have shown, that the hole being in center of the Sun with the mass of the order of 10-5M O can provide the half of solar luminosity due to the accretion [Cl00]. It leads to decrease of solar neutrino flow up to the level corresponding to experimental data.

The model of intrasolar black hole concerned meets a difficulty of the following kind. The central black hole already now gives the contribution 51 % of luminosity of the Sun if MBH = 1,5 а10-5Ì O .

There are no fundamental reasons that the black hole should do not give almost the whole luminosity of the Sun.

However the future of the Sun depends considerably upon the central black hole large luminosity. Since the mass and the luminosity of intrasolar black hole increase exponentially, the Sun should soon (during the time less in comparison with 109 years) leave a main sequence .

This allocates the Sun in an especially rare class of stars having internal black holes.

Besides, it is necessary to recognize, that we observe the Sun during rather special epoch of its evolution, in that moment, when the black hole luminosity is of the same order as the solar one due to burning of hydrogen. The following alternative arises.

It is necessary whether to recognize, that we are near the star of the most rare type in the exclusive moment of its evolution, or to recognize, that the classical model of accretion on to black holes is not applicable to the accretion of superdense substance on to small black holes, for which the account of quantum effects [Òð11] is necessary.

Moreover, accretion inside stars occurs, the most sooner, on to fermioton, that is, in the certain sense, there is a return to idea on the accretion on to a neutron nucleus as a source of starТs energy [La20]. The consideration of the stellar substance accretion on to fermioton should eliminate available difficulties with starТs energetics and the problem of solar neutrino deficiency.

At last, we shall note one more idea brought forth in the same work [Cl00], that the intraplanetary black hole is responsible for high luminosity of the planet Jupiter. But, mentioning this question, we pass to subject of the following item.



2.4. Black holes in planets (to the top). At last stage of the black hole evaporation the explosion happens, in which in 0,1 s the energy of 1030 erg is extracted. It is rather significant amount for the planetТs energetics (the thermal flow from internals of the Earth - 3,17 а1020 erg.s-1, the thermal flow of the Jupiter Ч 31024 erg.s-1, the luminosity of the JupiterТs satellite Io Ч 31019 erg.s-1). Thus, black holes can be involved to explain the planetТs energetics. It is necessary to note, that the large part of the black hole radiation (gravitational, neutrino and others) freely leaves in outer space.

а In the case of small black holes an other mechanism of energy extraction Ч accretion of environmental substance Ч is possible too. Also, the possibility of energy extraction in collisions of small black holes is of interest, though the probability of a such kind of events for single otons is extremely small. However since all space bodies are gravitational connected systems, there are no absolutely any reasons to make similar exception for otons. But in this case the probability of small black holes collisions grows sharply.

Black holes can the most distinctive manifest themselves in planets as a point gravitational masses and "hot" points, and as anomaly of different kind: dynamical, gravitational, geothermal, geochemical, magnetic, as abnormal sources of particles and others. Dynamical anomalies in planetТs rotation are revealed itself in changes of rotation periods and shifts of poles.

Gravitational anomalies on the Earth attain 500 mGal [Ãð00], [Ãð20,21] and there are difficulties in their understanding. Small black holes are the best candidates for the role of Уpoint-like masses".

The more significant gravitational anomalies were discovered on the Moon and Mars [Ãð20,21], [Ñà30]. So on the Moon in the region of mascons the rate of the gravitational anomalies value to the gravitational field intensity value is more on the order than on the Earth.

The even more expressive gravitational anomaly is discovered on Mars in the region of Tharsis mountains, which is the unique mascon dominating in the gravitational field of Mars. The asymmetry of the gravitational field is those, that the areoid can be presented by the model of a spherical planet with a point mass in the region of Tharsis mountains.

Small bodies of the solar system are possible to possess an even more abnormal gravitational field, that will testify for the existence of black holes.

Planets, especially of the Earth group, in some attitude are chemical anomalies, because of their structure strictly differs from the average chemical structure of space substance, in which hydrogen and helium dominate. Specific mechanisms of elementТs formation are required for planets to explain available chemical structure.

Special conditions are required for running thermonuclear reactions of syntheses in planets. In particular, the detection of the abnormal light isotope helium-3 amounts speaks about thermonuclear reactions in the EarthТs interior.

Thus, to two well-known mechanisms of chemical elementТs formation (the Big Bang and stars) and two mechanisms offered recently (white holes and accretional disks of black holes), it is possible to add the fifth mechanism: the thermonuclear synthesis in substance which is warmed up by the micro-black hole radiation. It will help to eliminate difficulties connected to formation of some heavy elements.

Micro-black holes can simulate both motionless "hot point", and "migrating" center of volcanic activity. Difficulties in an explanation of giant's energetics, and in particular, of the grandiose volcanic activity on Io [Hu10] require the search of new sources of energy, which can be black holes.

In conclusion, let us discuss the question on the possibility of micro-black holes explosions on bodies of the solar system. It is interesting the possibility of solar flares connection with explosions of micro-black holes, but the extraction during an explosion of rather small energy 1030 erg, on the background of the powerful solar energy flow (3,811033 ergs-1) requires special analysis.

As far as a micro-black hole explosion is concerned the Jupiter is of interest, which has the power of a thermal flow equal to 31024 ergs-1. The black hole having such the power, should explode during the nearest decades, and the power of radiation should grow as PBH ~ t2/3.

If the exploding black hole is in depths of a planet, the thermal flow from explosion will appear at the planet surface much later. The explosion can be detected by the neutrino flare with energy of the order 108 ÌeV and by seismic manifestations.

Rings around the giant planets, the asteroids belt between Mars and Jupiter (rests of a planet Phaeton explosion) and other small bodies of the solar system quite can be relics of black hole explosions and(or) collisions [Òð09,11], [Tr01,09].

In conclusion, we shall mention the original idea of Ì.D. Fogg about making use of black holes in artificial creating of Earth-like Galilean satellites [Fo01].

аFrom the fantastic projects of using black holes by the earthly civilization in the future, let us proceed to ordinary manifestations of terrestrial black holes. We shall first discuss the features of earthly mass spectrum otons.

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