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As the research carried out has shown, the problem of energy sources sharply stands not only in high energy astrophysics, but in physics of planets and the Earth, and even in the energetics of people self-ignitions. The idea of black holes has come from the most distant objects of the Universe (quasars) up to the  person itself: from the deepest riddles of space up to the deepest secrets of a human body. The wide range of oton masses gives an opportunity of understanding phenomena of a different scale, explaining, thus, the main for all these phenomena problem, i.e., the question of energy localization.

Black holes in physics of the Earth open new opportunities in desiding different problems: from a formation of  planets themselves up to an origin of petroleum and gas. Terrestrial black holes can differ by their masses in more than fifteen orders. Already this only leads to a wide variety of black hole manifestations: from instant burning of a person up to a catastrophic explosion of the whole planet.

Otons influence directly the Earth’s civilization. Thousands years an invisible war of black holes against person goes, and the number of victims surpasses that of injured in world wars. Nothing in the world can protect against black holes, there is no place to hide from them. A sudden death from "gravitational killers " waits for everybody. To avoid the fatal meeting with a black hole-"murderer" one can only by calculating in time an otonic trajectory and remoting from it.

The certain number of black holes with the appropriate parameters can explain many technogeneous accidents, e.g., destructions of buildings, air and sea accidents, fires and strange sudden deaths of people. An appearance even of one new black hole, an apocentre of which orbit is close the terrestrial surface, should be reflected in statistics of appropriate phenomena. Such the sensitivity of technosphere to oton manifestations gives a hope for an opportunity of an otonic accident forecast similar to the weather forecast. Moreover, it means, that on can to counteract these tragedies and save from a fatal meeting with "a black hole-murderer". But it is not the only area of practical application of otonic geophysics (geotonology).

In connection with failures in attempts to obtain controlled thermonuclear synthesis and with close prospects of exhausting of petroleum deposits science turns to search new energy sources. Proceeding from the intrasolar black hole model (which solves a problem of solar neutrino deficiency), one make make a conclusion, that investigations in controlled thermonuclear synthesis do not take into account a stabilizing role of a black hole gravitational field in thermonuclear reactions, going in solar interiors. In other words, a stabilizing factor of a a black hole powerful gravitational field can provide stabilization of plasma and controllability of thermonuclear reactions.

Probably, such thermonuclear reactions occur in the terrestrial interiors. An indication on this is a detection of abnormal plenteous of an easy isotope of helium-3 in the terrestrial interiors, which can be formed only in result of thermonuclear reactions.

Otons can also bring radical innovations in the use of traditional energy sources: gaseous and liquid energy carriers (hydrocarbons). By revealing a spatial location of otons in the Earth, relativistic (otonic) geology can predict a location of huge petroleum and gas deposits in untraditional geological regions [ Тр 15 ]. Moreover, finding of huge petroleum and gas deposits near processing complexes or megapolicies becomes possible [ Тр 16 ]. These discoveries can give the vast incomes due to sharp decreasing of transport charges and a danger of ecological catastrophes connected with accidents of tankers and pipelines.

The greatest powers of energy extraction in the form of explosions connected with a chemical source were obtained due to the invention of dynamite by the Swedish industrialist А .Nobel. He hoped, that the invention of such the destructive weapon, which is based on energy of dynamite and is capable to destroy large buildings, will hold back the humankind from wars. The Nobel’s dream was not justified: in XXth century there was a number of wars with use dynamite, including two world wars.

In the middle of XXth century the humankind has possessed an essentially new energy source, i.e.,  an intraatomic one, and a nuclear weapon turns out to be even more powerful, capable to destroy whole cities. Awesome consequences of the nuclear weapon application warn the humankind from its use. A nuclear war was not, though its possibility is not still completely excluded. Since the nuclear energy discovery in certain sense Nobel’s hopes are coming true: the awesome force of the nuclear weapon hold back from nuclear wars.

The beginning of the third millennium can be marked with mastering of a new energy source, i.e., otonic one. The power of oton energy extraction is such, that the destruction of the whole countries, continents and even of the whole planet is possible. If some forecasts of nuclear war still leave to humankind a small chance for survival, an otonic war is not possible in principle, since it is equivalent to suicide. Therefore, mastering otonic energy will not only discover for people practically inexhaustible source of energy, but also exclude a possibility of wars in the future.

However, otons can affect even more radically on the development of the Earth’s civilization, because they are topological singularities in the structure of near-Earth space-time. It means the multidimensiality of space and time of terrestrial objects, the presence of bridges (tunnels) in parallel worlds merely in the Earth. Moreover, taking into account an opportunity of compactification of terrestrial bodies by means of higher dimensions [ Кл 00 ] (down to Plankian sizes) with conservation of their usual density, one can make a conclusion about an opportunity of penetrating through multidimensional otons in other worlds (Metagalaxies), "starting" directly from the Earth. As to a problem of space civilizations it means a possibility of changing spatial expansion of a civilization in the three-dimensional world by exit of a supercivilization in higher dimensions of the Universe.

The greatest geniuses of humankind stood at origins of black holes science. Grandiose intellectual efforts of many generations of scientists  have been required to open a curtain above this exciting secret, which starts a new era in humankind development. In the Earth a new era of black holes come, which many times surpass the nuclear epoch by its scales.

Explosions and clashes of black holes can explain not only the origin of the asteroid belt, but also predict a possibility of planetary body’s explosions nowadays. A charge of grandiose power (which is equivalent to billion of billions nuclear bombs) is stored in the Earth, and it is capable at any moment to blow up our planet and carry away its remnants in the Universe.

Probably, the harbingers of an accident (gravitational radiation of approaching black holes) can in time warn the humankind, and it will have time to react on a global cataclysm to come: either by keeping our space house from a threat of gravitational Apocalypse, or by opening the new prospect in any form of space ark.

The Earth’s civilization is at the front of a fatal brink: forces, opening before it, are capable to destroy all in our world and the Earth itself. A certificate of similar catastrophes is the sad fate of a planet Phaeton, which remnants are between Mars and Jupiter orbits. But at the same time, by discovering inexhaustible sources of energy and infinite riches of underground pantries, the era of black holes can become the epoch of unprecedented power and prosperity of the humankind on the Earth and in the Universe.

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