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I.1. The creators of nuclear century were the founders of science of black holes (otons) (to the top). If within Special Relativity the nuclear source of energy, which has denominated our century, was discovered, within the framework of General Relativity (GR) the otonic source of energy was predicted. It was happened that the scientists who have made our century nuclear stood at origins of black hole science.
Upon creating GR in 1915 more than twenty years has passed till the moment, when J.R.Oppenheimer (the father of American nuclear bomb) with the employees has made a conclusion about the opportunity of formation during the star evolution of objects [нО00], named later by black holes. J. ю. Wheeler, the scientific adviser of American presidents in the nuclear program, has not only introduced in 1967 the very term "black hole" [Wh00], but also has created the American school of "black hole scientists". After Wheeler's and his employees' works the interest to black holes in scientific world has sharply increased.
By efforts of Ya.B. Zel'dovich, one of the soviet nuclear bomb creators, the school of "black hole scientists" was founded in Moscow. He is attributed a half-playful phrase, told at the gravitational conference in Minsk: "Black holes are everywhere, where the opposite has not been proved". ю.D. Sakharov, the winner of the Nobel prize and "the father" of soviet hydrogen bomb, developed interest to black holes as to sources of sub-Plankian particles, which are the test for the validity of Great Unification theories.

I.2. Astrophysics of black holes (to the top). Soon after its creation by ю.Einstein, GR has been used for describing the Universe. The model of "the expanding Universe", created on the basis of GR by ю.ю.Friedman in 1922-1924, was then essentially complemented with the idea of "the hot Universe " by G.Gamov. This prediction within GR of the object ("the expanding hot Universe"), which was new for science, was excellently confirmed by the discovery of relic radiation made by ю.A.Penzias and R.W.Wilson in 1965.
Other fundamental objects of GR (black holes) were predicted in works of S.Chandrasekhar, J.R.Oppenheimer and H.Snyder in the first half of ууth century. Many brilliant theorists were engaged in theoretical investigations of black holes: S.Hawking, R.Penrose, R.Ruffini, M.Rees, ю.Salam, K.Thorn, S.Weinberg, J.ю.Wheeler and others.
The essentially important event in verifying the astrophysical reality of black holes was the discovery in 1967 of pulsars by A.Hewish with the employees [He00,1], i.e., of rotating neutron stars, which by their parameters are the closest objects to black holes. For the discovery of pulsars Anthony Hewish was awarded in 1974 by the Nobel prize. For the importance of neutron star discovery for science speaks also the fact that for the further researches of pulsars, which have confirmed predictions of GR [Hu00,1; Ta00], the American scientists Joseph Taylor and Russel Hulse were awarded in 1992 by the Nobel prize as well.
Neutron stars are important for black hole astrophysics because they are the last stage in stellar matter evolution on its irreversible way to black holes. A conclusion about the black hole existence in nature is so correct, as GR itself is correct. Physics and astrophysics of black holes have received wide recognition in scientific world, so the awarding of the American scientist S.Chandrasekhar for the cycle of works on star evolution leading to formation of black holes by the Nobel prize in 1983 was the reflection of this fact [ вЮ01].

I.3. Single small black holes as relics of the Big Bang (to the top). The idea of "lagged cores" suggested in 1964-1965 by I.D.Novikov [мН00,1] and Yu.Ne'eman [Ne00] for constructing the white hole model was the impetus to develop the second way of black hole formation. In 1967 Ya.B.Zel'dovich and I.D.Novikov [гЕ01], and then in 1971 S.Hawking [Ha00], have proposed the second way of black hole origin in the result of inhomogeneouties formation at the early stages of cosmological expansion. Such the black holes have been called the primordial (relic) black holes. They can possess different masses, both more, and less the solar one, down to Plankian value (10-5 g). Since in the Hawking's work the idea of small black holes at once was associated with some astrophysical phenomena (for example, deficiency of solar neutrino), it was the work which the wide discussion of this problem begins from.
Attempts have been undertaken to detect experimentally explosions of black holes through optical flares [Po00,1], [Bh00], [Je00], radiobursts [Re00], [Bl20] and gamma-bursts [Po01]. Researches of the micro-black hole radiation spectrum [Pa01,2], [Ma00,1], [Ol00], the ю.D.Sakharov's idea on micro-black holes as sources of Plankian particles for verifying theories of Unification [яЮ20], and on cosmological consequences of black hole evaporation [Ca00,1,2,3] were important in theoretical respect.
The general result of these investigations is that: if primordial black holes exist, then average density of their substance in the Universe is less than critical one in many orders. Already only for this reason the presence of primordial black holes in the Earth has been considered as impossible.
The direct gravitational manifestation of single small black holes in their coming through the Earth does not result in significant effects because of their large velocity [Gr00], [Bl10]. The only attempt to connect terrestrial phenomena with extraterrestrial black holes was the Jackson and Ryan's work "Was the Tungus event due to a black hole?" [Ja00], which has caused objections too [Be00].
All these difficulties of idea of small black holes are removed in the conception of otonic worlds [рП00-16], in which black holes are considered not as abstract single objects, but as initial centres of all space bodies formation [рП00,11]. Within the framework of approach given the question on black hole seizure by space bodies is eliminated, for they initially are in space bodies, being their germs. The conception of intraplanetary, intraterrestrial black holes has resulted in a number of investigative directions [рП00-16], [юЯ00] within otonic geophysics, successfully deciding a number of Earth's physics problems.

I.4. Geophysics of black holes (geotonology) (to the top). A problem of energy sources (as well as a problem of "hidden" mass) stands sharply not only in astrophysics, but also in physics of planets [Hu10] and the Earth [юЯ00]. Moreover, the problem consists not in amount of energy, but in mechanisms of its localization in comparatively small volumes [рП07].
The idea of intraterrestrial black holes within the otonic worlds conception has obtained wide development for interpreting geophysical phenomena [рП00-16], [Tr00-07]. For an explanation of volcano's energetics and other geophysical phenomena the model of micro-black holes was suggested to make use [рП00-11]. In this model the problem of energy localization is easily decided, since the source of energy (micro-black holes) is a dot, i.e., "a hot point". The flow of neutrino from black holes has a unique spectrum (it consists of six neutrino types equipower flows with the same energy) and can be registered by modern equipment.
The energy of catastrophic explosions of volcanoes is noted to coincide by the order of magnitude with the energy of exploding black holes [рП11]. The question on registration of high energy neutrino from exploding black holes [Tr05] was put.
Short-term variations of gravitational potential derivatives (otonic gravi-impulses), produced by otons moving in the Earth, are described. Expressions for different gravitational potential derivatives, produced by otons [рП11], [Tr04,6] are given. Experiments on registration of otonic gravi-impulses have been carried out with modern gravimetric devices (gravimeters and variometers) [Tr06,8].
In general case a wide circle of unusual phenomena is connected with terrestrial otons: from instant person's transforming in ash to catastrophic explosion of the planet at all [рП09,11]. A number of ideas having received development in the given book are voiced, which is the first monographic investigation of the terrestrial black hole problem.
The author expresses special gratitude to I.I. Naumenko-Bondarenko and V.V. Butazov for their help in realization of gravimetric experiments; O.L. Artemenko, V.S. Gurin, V.л. Golub, V.V. Mityanok, ю.G. Parkhomov, S.I. San'ko, N.G. Silko for the realizing of joint researches on problems of terrestrial black holes.
The author is grateful to ю. Penzias, ю. Salam, J.ю. Wheeler, ю. Hewish, C. Rubbia, M. Rees, V.P. Vizgin, ю.I. Volgina, ю.ю. Grib, D.G. Gridnev, V.I. Dokuchayev, I.G. Dymnikova, Ju.N. Efremov, G.M. Idlis, V.л. Mostepanenko, ю.ю. Starobinski, K.I. Churyumov for interest to the problem of black holes in space bodies; to M.J. Fogg for sending of prints of works about intrastellar black holes [Fo00,1], and J. Gribbin for a benevolent-ironic response [Gr10] on the article [Tr00]. The author is grateful to the department of logic and methodology of scientific cognition of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for a creative atmosphere promoting a spelling of the given book. At last, the author expresses gratitude to all participants of a seminar of astronomical section of Minsk department of VAGO for discussions and interest to the given problem.



( The bibliography is ordered alphabetically. In references to bibliography four symbols are indicated in the text (in brackets): first two symbols mean first letters of a surname ( or a title), two last symbols are numerals (the choice is determined by convenience and correctness of identification with the source from alphabetic list of bibliography; references to bibliography in Russian are marked by italic style). In the book the three-signs numeration of formulas, pictures and tables is taken (the first numeral is a chapter number, the second one is a section number, and the third one is a number inside a section).

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