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4. Black holes in the Earth

4.1. "Hidden" mass of the Earth (to the top). The density of terrestrial cortex substance  g/ sm3 measured and the average density of the Earth  g/ sm3 differ considerably. This is by itself a special problem of "hidden" mass of the Earth. For solving this problem the notion on other chemical structure of internal areas of the Earth (i.e., that the increase of pressure in internal regions of the Earth does not lead to essential growth of substance density), in particular, the hypothesis of an iron nucleus, is introduced [Жарк].

But one can assume, that the part of the Earth’s mass is made by black holes, and the average density of usual substance of the Earth is equal to the density of terrestrial cortex substance really measured.

Taking into account the total thermal flow of the Earth, the maximal number of black holes, limited by these two factors, will be determined as [Тр10]: Nвн = 4,3  109, that corresponds to Мвн = 7  1017 g. Besides of the central (germinal) black hole in all regions of the Earth (nucleus, mantle, cortex) there can be black holes, which have got in the proto-Earth in the compound of planetesimals.

However, it is necessary to take into account that the part of energy is carried away from the black hole by neutrino and gravitons, and the other one transforms into the mass of rest. Finally, the need to consider the Hawking effect not for "naked" black holes, but for fermiotons can change in many orders estimations given, which can be regarded as a bottom limit of the number of terrestrial black holes. The total mass of black holes can be assigned by such the value the model of the hollow Earth to be natural (i.e., the main part of usual substance is in the shell and the central area).

 Black holes move freely through the terrestrial internals and in the first approximation it is possible to consider equations of black hole motion in the Earth disregarding interactions with substance.

4.2. Oton motion in the gravitational field of the Earth (to the top). In the gravitational field of the Earth otons move freely as point gravitational masses even in terrestrial internals. Otons can move on elliptic orbits, in one of focuses of which the nucleus of the Earth (central oton) must be. Apocentres of oton orbits can be in depths of the Earth, or close to its surface, or leave far in space near the Earth. The velocity in apocentre is minimal, and the time of the oton presence and action is maximal.

If apocentre is in depth, the geophysical manifestation of the oton on the surface of the Earth is small, and the probability of its registration is not great. If apocentre is far in space near the Earth, the passage through the terrestrial surface and geophysical manifestations of the oton will be short-term. Therefore only those otons, apocentres of which lay near to the surface of the Earth, can cause appreciable geophysical influence. The plane of oton orbit and the axis of rotation of the Earth should keep their spatial position with respect to distant stars.

Due to rotation of the Earth otons will approach every time to various areas of the terrestrial surface. The only insignificant number of otons, which have periods multiple to the period of rotation of the Earth about its axis (they can be multiple to any number of periods), will appear in the fixed places of the terrestrial surface.

The nearest to the terrestrial surface multiple otons have the period multiple to seventeen (k = 17). This period is equal to Т17 = (Тsd/17) = 5068,48 s = 84.47 min. For the large half-axis from (4.2.1) we have R17 = 6476,7 km, that is approximately in 1,5 kilometers less than the equatorial radius. In more details the motion of black holes in the Earth is investigated by means of computer in works [Тр20] [Силк].

For various versions of numerical value of the Earth’s density at its surface equations of the trajectory were solved and the time of motion was calculated. It being necessary for the hypothesis on the otonic origin of volcanoes energy to take into account otons, which touch the surface of the Earth, it was assumed in the calculative formulas that b = R. On the contrary, the parameter a ran all possible values from 0 to R. It turned out that in all cases the trajectory is the socket, which can be interpreted as precessing ellipse.

From manifold of otons moving through the Earth only few will have parameters required. There can be no more than ten per one million such the otons. Other otons move chaotically and do not lead to systematic energy extraction just in the same point of the Earth. Therefore, the presence of the second coincidence would become the essential point confirming the hypothesis of the otonic origin of volcanoes energy. The more detailed analysis, both qualitative, and quantitative, is the subject of the paper [Мит1]. In the works given the oton interaction with a terrestrial substance was not taken into account, though this qualitatively changes the picture of black hole motion in the Earth.

4.3. Black hole motion in the terrestrial substance (to the top). Regarding movement of intraterrestrial otons (moreover, that of fermi-otons and grassiphotons) it is necessary to take account of interaction with substance. In view of the approach developed in the monograph given, admitting the original presence of black holes in space bodies, the time of intraterrestrial motion of otons can be considerable.

Small black holes possess radiuses compared to the sizes of elementary particles, and in many cases their interaction with a terrestrial substance is described better in terms of physics of elementary particles, not of astrophysics. This approach is developed in the Greenstein and Burns paper [Gree]. But in their work black holes are considered as external in respect to the Earth objects, which have got accidentally in our planet and with large velocity in very short time slip through the Earth. This initial condition, naturally, results in a conclusion, that the interaction with a terrestrial substance is not practically reflected in black hole motion [Gree]. But all other results received in the paper can be applied to intraterrestrial black holes.

The length of black hole free run is proportional to the fourth degree of its velocity and inversely proportional to its mass and the density of environment. The black hole with mass of 1015 g, which radius is equal to the radius of neutron, moving in terrestrial substance with parabolic velocity, will leave "a tunnel" in radius ~ 10-8 sm with the area of section s = 10-16 sm2, which in ten orders exceeds the section of strong interaction and, as a whole, is comparable to nuclear sections. The width of ionization track is about 10-4 sm. The energy, extracted along the track by the black hole, is equal to  Erg/sm. The length of free run in the terrestrial substance is about few light years. Like neutrino, the black hole can pass huge distances through matter, but it interacts with environmental substance very strongly.

In the end of the paper authors make a conclusion, that small black holes moving in the interstellar substance do not practically lose their velocity, hence, they cannot be seized by space bodies. It means, that the concept of small black holes as relics of the Big Bang is hopeless both in theoretical, and in observational relation.

The concept of otonic intraterrestrial small black holes [Тр10-16, Tro1-8] has not similar difficulties: velocities of intraterrestrial black holes, which touch the Earth, can be from zero and more, the time of their presence in the Earth is unlimited and the interaction with substance can be very considerable.

Within this approach the interaction of black holes with substance was considered in Parkhomov’s work [Парх], in which interesting results were obtained: black holes having masses > 1013 kg were shown to have already stopped their extraterrestrial motion; black holes with masses of 1012 - 1013 kg are intensively absorbed by the Earth at present; it was found, that at low enough velocity of black hole motion, which touch the Earth, their "jamming" in the terrestrial substance occurs, including near to its surface; the time of black hole motion in the terrestrial internals up to their stopping was shown to be much less than the time of the existence of the Earth.

The motion time of black hole with mass of 1020 g is equal to 5 years, of 1018 g is equal to 500 years, of 1015 g is equal to 500 thousands years, of 1012 g is equal to 500 millions years. The factor of velocity, as it is clear from all told above, else more varies manifestations of black holes, and, among others, variations of global parameters of the Earth.

4.4. Spontaneous variations of global parameters of the Earth (to the top). The black hole inside the Earth can leads in its motion to essential redistribution of the pulse momentum. This can explain changes of the period of rotation and displacements of poles. To irregular (jump-like) changes of the period of rotation there should correspond similar motions of black holes (probably, their casual redistribution). So, a daily variation of the rotation period of the Earth cannot be explain by seasonal moving of atmospheric masses.

In difference from variations of global parameters of the Earth, which only mediatedly can testify about intraterrestrial otons, the measurement of local variations of gravitational potential derivatives means a direct gravimetric registration of gravitational fields of terrestrial black holes.

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